{November 5th, 2023} Baroque Violin & Harpsichord

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If you are not currently a member, we invite you to join or renew your membership online.

The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Information is very pleased to present an evening of baroque music for violin and harpsichord performed by Frank Fairfield and J.R. Kaufman.

Tickets to this performance will be made available to Museum members on Tuesday, October 31st. If any tickets remain available on Thursday, November 2nd, they will go on sale for non-members.

Sunday, November 5th 2023
7:30 p.m.
9:30 p.m.

All seats for both performances have been reserved. If you would like to be placed on a standby list, please email your request--including your name & phone number--to events@mjt.org. If tickets become available we will call the phone number you’ve given.

Museum members receive early access to concert tickets. To learn more about this and other benefits, please visit our Membership page.

The Museum of Jurassic Technology
9341 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232


$18 General Admission
$15 Museum members, students, seniors

Frank Fairfield and J.R. Kaufman study the historically informed performance of Western art music from the late sixteenth to early eighteenth centuries. Their repertoire includes polyphonic bicinia of the late Renaissance, divisions on a ground, and sonatas da chiesa and da camera of the High Baroque. Primarily known for studying and performing Anglo American and Eastern European vernacular music, respectively, Fairfield and Kaufman bring the sensitivities of natural music to the practice of high art music.

For these sets they will perform high baroque sonatas by Jean-Marie Leclair and Jean-Fery Rebel with interstitial pieces by Thomas Morley, Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Francesco Barsanti.


No tickets will be mailed to you.
 Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance of the performance to qualify for a refund.


Please address queries to  events@mjt.org.

This concert is made possible in part by grants from the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.