{October 27th, 2019} Sarah Davachi Plays the Story & Clark
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The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Information is very pleased to announce an evening of organ music composed and performed by Sarah Davachi for the Museum’s Story & Clark reed organ inside the Space Dogs room.
Sarah Davachi (b. 1987, Calgary, Canada) holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of Calgary, and a master's degree in electronic music and recording media from Mills College in Oakland, California. As a composer and performer of electroacoustic music, Davachi's work is primarily concerned with disclosing the delicate psychoacoustics of intimate aural spaces, utilizing extended durations and simple harmonic structures that emphasize subtle variations in overtone complexity, temperament and intonation, and natural resonances. The instrumentation she employs is varied, including piano, electric organ, pipe and reed organ, voice, tape-replay samplers, analog synthesizers, early western strings and keyboards, orchestral strings, brass, and woodwinds, with mutual idioms often layered in textural and timbral counterpoint. Similarly informed by minimalist tenets of the 1960s and 1970s, baroque leanings toward slow-moving chordal suspensions, and experimental production practices of the studio environment, in her sound is manifest an experience that lessens apprehension of consonance and dissonance in likeness of the familiar and the distant.
Seating for these performances will be available in the Museum's Space Dogs room and adjoining movie theater. There will be a live projection of the Story & Clark keyboard inside the theater. Seating will be first come, first served.