The Art of Ibn al-Arabi

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compiled and translated by Ali Hussain

A Collection of 19 Drawings from the Greatest Master of Sufism.

Al-Shaykh al-Akbar (The Greatest Master) and Khatm al-Walaya al-Muhammadiyya (The Seal of Muhammadan Sainthood) is one of a few Muslim saints who often used diagrams to convey his rich and detailed kashf (unveiling) to the reader.It is with the intention of bringing these precious renderings from the ‘beyond’ to readers who are lovers of Sufism, Spirituality, Art and Ibn al-‘Arabi that I am motivated to compile these nineteen diagrams, translate any terms therein to English and also include the Shaykh’s guide to understanding the illustrations.Aside from this preface, the titles given to each diagram and a single disclaimer in the chapter “Silent Cartography of Reality,” all else in this book is Ibn ‘Arabi’s own words and drawings.In many ways, these diagrams serve as a visual synthesis and summary of the Shaykh’s entire thought. From this perspective, this book is a gift to artists who have an interest in Sufism and spirituality. They are those who intuitively know that art, like the Unseen, is to be tasted and contemplated, as opposed to categorized and rationalized.

2019, Paperback, 88 pages